How were you engineered?

personal development Jan 08, 2022

I once heard a man say to a crowd

‘This is the best version of me that can ever be and I am super excited for who I have become’

I raised my hand to quiz him a bit like I would normally do and I asked if he would have been exactly who he was had he been born in Iraq to the king of Iraq?

He struggled to respond to the question, and I asked I started mentioning different nations on earth until it dawned on him that he would have been completely different, and his world view would never have been the same had he been born elsewhere.

The more I work in coaching and therapy with HNIs the more I see how people can be very wealthy yet unhappy because they don’t even know what they are looking for. But the joy and smiles on the faces of my clients when we are done gives me so much joy because not many know that they were scripted to believe and fall in love with who they are at the moment.

So people fake it to make it when there is no serenity within.


Today let’s play a game called ‘let’s pretend’

Choose a nation between Japan, China, Iraq and North Korea and imagine that was where you were born?

  • What would your name have been?
  • What religion would you have practiced and defended with your life?
  • What would have been your beliefs about life and wealth?
  • What would you have achieved at the moment?

The power to choose your happiness was never given to you because no one consulted you before giving you a name at birth and you were not consulted before the decision of the school you attended and the people you met in your childhood was taken. If foundations are conclusions then you could have been scripted for where you are unconsciously.

The good news is you have the power to uninstall and redesign your life to answer to the new outcomes you want if you can put in the work.

Did you watch the video I shared with you yesterday?

If you have the power to gift yourself a new life what would it look like? Can you script it on your journal today because your life is about to begin.

Become a Saviour today and let your world experience your fullness.

Praise Fowowe
