Mind your journey

spirituality Nov 29, 2022

Social media is a place where everyone promotes their strength and only a few show their scars. Many of those you want to be like don’t tell the full stories because they ain’t sure you can take the true story.

This is the exact reason I became a student of the back end gists because if you don’t understand the back end you would be lost in the hype of the front end and struggle to replicate what they claimed they did.
Haven’t you listened to a testimony of someone and went ahead to do everything they claimed they do without getting the results?
It is simply because they didn’t share the entire story and process because in many cases the replicability of a model is the true test of its validity. 1+1 must always be equal to 2. If it becomes equal to 3 we must study what made it so and upgrade our operating manual

For example someone flaunts how they built a multi billion dollar enterprise on social media and they never shared the leverage they got from their parents, friends and networks which is a critical part of that success and you go and follow the wisdom tips and eventually “lule”(failed). Someone else who just finished a reality show flaunts the new house they just bought as Influencers and you start to beat your self for being a failure without knowing that what they meant by Influencer could actually be the access key of leverage whose entrance was facilitated by their capacity to give joy to the joystick of a governor who now gave them a back end contract.

See you must mind your journey and celebrate your progress. The number of authentic people who actually can inspire with their full story is not so many and you may just be one of those few.

You are not lazy
Your journey is valid

If you are a first generation business owner who must pay the price for successive generations you must not compare yourself to someone who is a third generation custodian of wealth from those who did the dirty work before he came.

Know yourself and know peace
Understand the phase you are and enjoy your progress
focus on your journey without looking sideways lest you become distracted. Social media is a medium for showcasing a side of the story not often the full story so don’t beat yourself. That is why nobody shows their poo or bedwetting on social media.

I celebrate you and applaud your efforts

Your dreams are valid and success will chase you pants down if you don’t give up.

I am a Savior